Thursday, July 5, 2012

Last Post- Advice for Future Students

As I reflect on this course again, a few things come to mind as advice for anyone taking this course at some time in the near future:

-Make the podcast something you are passionate about

-Get into Moodle ASAP at the beginning of the course and play around with it as much as possible before you start making your course

-The goals for your instructional website design should be student-centered, and not teacher-centered

-Take time to sit down and plan your website before making it. Create a Word document with all of your resources and content listed out. Then, the design, proposal, and site creation would be much easier.

-Don't OVER post in the discussion areas.

-Keep your Webquest smaller, but still quality. Navigation doesn't flow when it gets bigger.

-Print and keep the readings. They are really good, and you may need them for reference or research later in your studies or with your district.

-Don't stress about the workload. Make a daily list and stay with the assignments on the schedule. Work ahead a little, and you will be fine.

-Finally, have fun with the assignments. My best assignment was the podcast, which I had fun with!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Moodle Moodle Moodle

Finally got the hang of this Moodle thing. I can see where it could be useful in a classroom, although I would be worried about limited access to computers- as someone else mentioned in the discussion forums. Once I changed the theme of my site, I actually found it a little more user- friendly. The theme I picked was "bricks" (or something like that). It was a little easier to use, and I wished that I had switched it from the beginning. I think I still like the concept of using a Google Site better for instruction, but I could do the Moodle site again if I had the option. I am growing to like it more as I become more familiar with it. What about you guys??

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Some tips that I found helpful while listening to my podcast (on the beach...haha).

1.) Everyone knows to speak slowly and enunciate, but be careful that you don't speak TOO slowly or enunciate TOO much. It can sound silly. I think I may have done this in mine.

2.) Speak on something you are passionate about. It WILL show in your voice.

3.) Don't script it, but a detailed outline would work well.

4.) Be natural and conversational. Talk like you are talking to a group of students, NOT like you are talking into a microphone.

5.) Use details and descriptive language. Auditory learners will "see " the picture you have made with your words.

Distance Education

This past week, I was on vacation. I got to see some of the true flexibility of online education. One point that was at the forefront of my mind all week was access. How do we make access available to all?
Community Internet hubs?

I know that many students have trouble finding access to Internet, and that could be a huge problem in our future world of education. I think that as times change, people unfamiliar with technology may be forced into it. I know that my grandmother never knew what a podcast was until this course. After listening to mine, she thought she might like to subscribe to some podcasts, if she had the tech to do it. She even remarked that she liked that "it was kind of like free radio without commercials". Maybe convincing people about new tech is just a matter of allowing them to try it for themselves.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Classroom with a view

I'm sitting here waiting to debark on the ship. As I have some time to reflect on the class so far, I think I will. This class has been one of the most fast-paced classes with the most assignments that I have ever had. I have been frustrated and overwhelmed, as well as joyful when figuring out new concepts and finding new ways to explore tech in the classroom. I am taking four classes this summer, and I think that I am going to get the most out of this one. Through all of the difficulty, I have gathered some great ideas, new understandings, and some real world applications of my newfound knowledge. My favorite new tools are definitely GoogleSites and blogs. I think RSS could be a new fave too if I use it in the right context. I'm not quite sure yet about wikis and Moodle.

I am looking forward to taking my education on the road this week...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Podcast and Website

Since one of our topics this week was podcasting, I thought I would reflect on my podcast a little. First of all, I hate listening to my own voice. Plus, my allergies were going crazy so my voice was scratchy in some places and really high-pitched and nasally in other places. I liked the topic I chose, but I wish I wouldn't have scripted it so much. I tend to work best when I "fly by the seat of my pants". My podcast may have sounded more natural if I had done this. Oh well. Live and learn. Next time, I will most likely not feel as anxious because it won't be work that I am completing for a grade. I hope it goes better for my students. I would really like to get into some podcasts over children's stories next year. Also, I would like to do some oral presentations with my 4-6 writing classes, and I thought podcasts would be great for that!!

Instructional Website
I found that after my WebQuest, my Instructional Website was much easier to plan and do. I like the topic I chose, and I was glad to see that my design was approved by Dr. Ingram. I thought I really messed up the design part. I just don't really plan out projects like that. I guess every designer has their own process in life. I am finished with the content of my site. Now I need to polish it and make it flow!

Monday, June 18, 2012


This may be because i am new, but I am finding Moodle to be a tough format to work with. I think that my concept is strong--an online writing center, but I am finding that Moodle itself is tough to use. I am clicking on the below Moodle docs pages for more info, but many times it doesn't apply to me because I am not an administrator for the site.
I enjoyed the instructional website, and I found some really awesome resources for my Moodle page. I just hope I can make it look as nice as my content. It seems disorganized to me.

I am SO glad the discussion boards have slowed down. I actually liked how this class did a lot of the reading and discussion upfront, and now we are all able to make our projects more cohesive with more depth and breadth of knowledge among all of these concepts.